Onam Exam Model Questions and Answers STD VII English 

August 31, 2024 - By School Pathram Academy

Onam Exam Model Questions and Answers STD VII English 

• Activity 1 is compulsory.

Answer any 4 activities from activity 2-6.

Activity 1- (Reading Comprehension)

Read the poem and answer the questions. If you’ve tried and have not won, Never stop for crying; All that’s good and great is done Just by patient trying Though young birds, in fiying, fall, Still their wings grow stronger, And the next time they can keep Up a little longer. Though the sturdy oak has known Many a wind that bowed her, She has risen again and grown Loftier and prouder, If by easy work you’re beat, Who the more will prize you? Gaining victory from defeat, That’s the test that tries you.

1. Find out the rhyme scheme of the first four lines.

2. Which is not the describing word in the poem?

(a) young

(b) victory

(c) sturdy

(d) good

3. What does the sturdy oak do after being bowed?

4. Give a suitable title to the poem.

5. What is the main message in the poem?

Activity 1, Answer

1. abab

2. victory

3. After being bowed, the sturdy oak rises again and grows loftier and prouder.

4. Victory from Defeat

5. This is a motivational poem. The poem gives us the message that every defeat makes us capable of victo- ry. Embrace failures and use them as stepping stones to success. Think of your goal and do not stop until we reach the peak of victory.

Activity 2 (Conversation)

It was a Saturday afternoon. Kafka was walking through a park in Berlin. He met a girl who was crying because she had lost her favourite doll. She met the girl who was in distress.

Write the likely conversation between Kafka and the girl.

Activity 2, Answer 

Kafka : Hello, my dear, what are you doing here?

Girl : I have lost my favourite doll. I am searching for her all around.

Kafka : Don’t cry. I will help you.

Girl : I want to get her back. Did you find her?

Kalfka: We together will search for her.

Girl: I am alone without her. She is my sotecompanion.

Kalfka: Sure.. We will find out where she is.

Girl: I’m much worried. I loved her a lot.

Kalfka: She also may be looking for you.We will meet her soon.

Girl: Thank you, uncle.

Activity 3 (Letter writing)

You were impressed after hearing the story of Helen Keller. Imagine that you wrote a letter to her to know more about her. Prepare a friendly letter.

Activity 3 Answer 

Rose Villa




Dear Helen Keller,

I am happy to say that I am deeply impressed by what our teacher told us about you. I would like to know more about the secret of your success.

I am sure that it was your strong willpower that helped you overcome the hurdles in your life.

I am eager to know what prompted you to become a world-famous speaker and author. Your hope and optimism will be a true inspiration for the next generations. Please write to me more about your education, life and career. Let me cap my pen.

With love



Activity 4

 Sequencing the events

Here are some events from Helen Keller’s story.

Rearrange them in sequential order.

At six months, I piped out “How d’ye” quite plainly.

At one year old, I walked for the first time.

I was a baby, insisting on imitating everything I saw.

After a disturbed sleep, I woke up to darkness and silence.

I was struck by illness, losing my eyes and ears forever,

Activity 4, Answer 

•I was a baby, insisting on imitating everything I saw.

•At six months, I piped out “How d’ye” quite plainly.

•At one year old I walked for the first time.

•It was struck by illness losing my eyes and ears forever. 

•After a disturbed sleep, I woke up to darkness and silence.

Activity 5 ,Description

The child in the poem ‘Foreign Lands’ enjoys the sights from the top of a tree. What did she see? Write a description.

Activity 5, Answer 

The child in the poem climbs a cherry tree to see what is around her. From the top of the tree, she sees her own house and garden, as well as her neighbours’ houses and gardens. She sees a river, a road and the people walking to the town. She sees the flower garden of the next house. She sees it full of flowers. The sight of the dimpling river beside, and the image of the blue sky reflected in it, excite her.

Activity 6 ,Editing

Edit the following passage. The errors are underlined. After the searching to (a) some time, Kafka pretend (b) that he had found a letter under an (c) bench in the park. he (d) gave the leter (e) to the girl.

Activity 6, Answer 

a. tofor

b. pretend-prtended

c. an-a

d. he- He e. leter- letter


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