School Academy Kerala – DREAM IAS MISSION 2033

April 07, 2023 - By School Pathram Academy

Abbrevations in News 


GIAN: Global Initiative on Academic Network

ESA: Endangered Species Act

AISHE: All India Survey on Higher Education 

NIRF: National Institution Ranking Framework

NAAC: National Assessment and Accreditation Council.

CBDT: Central Board of Direct Taxes. 

APASL: Asia-Pacific Association for Study of the Liver.

IDSA: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses 

DAC: Defence Acquisition Council

NRAI: National Rifle Association of India 

DTTI: Defence Technology and Trade Initiative 

SCO: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

ISC: Indian Science Congress 

PAN: Permanent Account Number 

BIN: Business Identification Number

CIN: Company Identification Number

DESA: Department of Economic and Social Affairs

UDAY: Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana 

CCEA: Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs 

JICA: Japan International Cooperation Agency 

IRNSS: Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System

NFHS: National Family Health Survey 

OCEMS: Online Continuous Effluent Monitoring Systems

GIMPS: Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search 

NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 

AIIB: Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

CIRT: Central Institute of Road Transport

DAVA: Drug Authentication and Verification Application

IAMAI: Internet and Mobile Association of India 

JJB: Juvenile Justice Board

LASTEC: Laser Science & Technology Centre 

LRSM: Long Range Surface to Air Missile 

NICDA: National Industrial Corridor Development Authority 

NIMHA: National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-


NISE: National Institute of Solar Energy 

PHFI: Public Health Foundation of India 

NECTAR: North East Centre for Technology Application & 


Category: IASNews