School Academy Kerala Methala Kallil , English Resources Room Part 5

School Academy Kerala Methala Kallil , English Resources Room Part 5
I am a square, that is my name. I have four sides, that are just the same. Turn me around, I don’t care. I am always the same, I am a square.
I am a little triangle,
look at me. I have three sides,
Turn me around,
and you can still see. I have three sides,
so count them with me.
I am a little rectangle,
that is my name.
I have four sides,
that are not the same.
Two sides are short,
and two are long.
Count my sides,
and sing along.
I am a little hexagon,
that is my name.
I have six sides,
that may all be the same.
If you turn me around,
you will see.
My six sides,
count them with me.
I am a circle,
nice and round.
No corners or sides,
can be found.
I am not straight,
and I don’t bend.
My outside edges,
will never end.
I am a rhombus,
that is my name.
I have four sides,
that are all the same.
Some people call me a
diamond, and that is OK.
I still look the same, either way!